Thanks for visiting Happy Kids Klinic!
Happy Kids is a virtual “Klinic” deigned to provide information, resources, programs and practical information to help kids perform better. It’s the culmination of 10 years of work, research and tertiary study into the power of breathing retraining for children aged 7-14.
- Cole Clayton // Founder HKK
Meet Larry Lip Seal
Larry the lip seal is your breathing mascot. you can listen to his story by clicking the button below!

Proven programs with a personal coach.
Over 10 years of experience motivating and inspiring kids to be healthier through harnessing the power of breath.
If you think that sounds like a hard sell, you’d be right! But I’ve created a simple, easy to follow and excuse-free program that has worked time and time again. Often with life-changing results for the most valuable future game changers - our kids.
Get a free e-book.
“7 Steps for Radical Parenting”. An e-book I wrote to provoke thought and introspection in parenting. Free without any annoying SPAM.
Ask a question.
Do you have a question about grumpy kids, snot noses and underperforming? Shoot me your question/s and I’ll email you back. For free.
Test the programs.
Interested in working with Happy Kids Klinic? I have programs for breathing and Face Gym to suit all families and budgets.
Persistance vs Risk
Nobody said it was easy but each attempt moves you closer to the goal.
What am I looking for?
What are some of the obvious signs that my kid needs help?
Is snot and congestion and issue at your place? Colds don’t last forever so if there’s a snot over-supply it’s worth checking out…
Waking up cross and cranky? Taking a while to get going or taking ages to get to sleep? Or perhaps teeth grinding…?
Do you end up in a seeming battle of wills on a daily basis? Usually about putting on a sock or over other inert objects?